A Galaxy of Suns at Linden Observatory
My most recent A Galaxy of Suns gig was 'The Altitude Project' at Linden Observatory in the Blue Mountains in NSW. The native bush land setting was stunning and the heritage listed Linden Observatory built by amateur astronomer Ken Beams in the 1940's was great to see. http://lindenobservatory.com.au/
We set up 6 speakers which each played 1/6 of the stars for the 360 degree horizon. The stars were sonified as live as twinkly percussion samples. The weather was a bit grim unfortunately with drizzle most of the day whilst we were setting up. Despite the weather our sound installation worked out very well and sounded great in the bush setting. There will be some audio from this gig up on this site soon.
One of the 6 speakers used to play the stars at Linden Observatory
Amanda Cole setting up the sound for A Galaxy of Suns at Linden Observatory
Picnic in the slighting wet weather at 'Altitude Now' - Linden Observatory.