Here is my first little Lumatone piece called 'Lumatone Study in F sub-minor'. It is in 31 EDO ( 31 notes to the octave rather than the 12 of the piano). I am enjoying the coloured light mapping you can do for each key and the endless tuning possibilities of the @lumatone.keyboard . It is like learning a new instrument though so I needed to practice this piece. I am looking forward to exploring this tuning and more on this fun instrument!
RGB Glass Rainbow Maker. Created, played and performed by Amanda Cole.
‘Singing in Tune with Nature’ aims to draw attention to the beauty and possibilities of singing overtones that are natural to the human voice. Using just intonation tuning, each sung interval comes from the harmonic series rather than the twelve notes found on the piano. The singing techniques and microtonal tuning used are a metaphor for appreciating and focusing in on our natural environment.
"Bowing Rainbows' is a composition by Amanda Cole for a custom built wine glass instrument that triggers electronic music and coloured light, violin and piano interior. Each glass is a different RGB colour that triggers the same colour light. When two glasses are bowed the coloured lights are mixed to make a secondary colour.
An excerpt from ‘Coronal Mass’ by Micheala Gleave, Amanda Cole & Warren Armstrong, which was recently presented at DARK MOFO. Coronal Mass is ‘an electrically-charged wave of sound surges through the gallery, transcribing the patterns of solar wind and the Aurora Australis.’ This work was installed in the Long Gallery, Salamanca Arts Centre between June 14-23 2019. Presented by Salamanca Arts Centre and Dark Mofo. This project was assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.